Lower arm Exercises 7
Wrist curls are a great isolation exercise for building forearm strength and improving grip endurance.
Lower armFlexor Carpi Radialis, Palmaris LongusBeginnerDumbbellsBarbellReverse wrist curls are ideal for building forearm strength and enhancing grip balance by focusing on the extensors.
Lower armExtensor Carpi RadialisBeginnerDumbbellsBarbellGrip strengtheners are excellent for building hand and forearm strength, improving grip endurance, and aiding in various sports and strength activities.
Lower armFlexor Digitorum Profundus, Flexor Digitorum SuperficialisBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedGrip StrengthenerThe farmer's walk is a simple yet effective exercise for enhancing grip strength, building forearm muscles, and improving overall endurance.
Lower armForearm Flexors, Forearm ExtensorsBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedDumbbellsKettlebellsBarbellsZottman curls are an effective exercise for building arm strength and size by combining traditional and reverse curls into one powerful movement.
Biceps, Biceps brachii, Brachioradialis, Flexor Carpi RadialisIntermediateDumbbellsThe wrist roller is a great tool for building forearm strength, endurance, and improving grip by targeting both flexor and extensor muscles.
Lower armForearm Flexors, Forearm ExtensorsIntermediateWrist RollerReverse curls are a great way to build forearm strength, improve grip, and enhance the brachioradialis muscle.
Lower armBrachioradialisBeginnerIntermediateBarbellDumbbells