Arm day
Press dumbbells overhead to build shoulder and tricep strength.
3 × 15, 10, 8Sculpt your shoulders with this lateral raise exercise.
2 × 10Target your rear delts and upper back with this effective exercise.
2 × 10Strengthen your traps by performing barbell shrugs.
3 × 12, 10, 8Press the barbell with a narrow grip to target the triceps and chest.
3 × 12, 10, 8Reverse Grip Barbell Bicep Curls
Strengthen your forearms and biceps with a reverse grip curl.
3 × 12, 10, 10Push down the cable to isolate your triceps and build arm definition.
3 × 10Strengthen your biceps and forearms with this classic move.
3 × 10An isolation exercise that builds core strength using a cable machine.
2 × 15A simple yet effective core exercise targeting the lower abs.
2 × 15
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