Shoulders Exercises 11
This exercise strengthens the shoulders and triceps by pressing dumbbells overhead in a stable, seated position. Ideal for improving upper body strength and stability.
Shouldersdeltoids, triceps brachiiIntermediateDumbbellsBenchLateral raises are great for isolating the lateral deltoids, helping to build broader, more defined shoulders.
ShouldersLateral DeltoidBeginnerIntermediateDumbbellsBent-over lateral raises are a great exercise for building the rear deltoids and upper back, improving posture and shoulder stability.
ShouldersRear DeltoidsIntermediateDumbbellsTargets the anterior deltoids, also engaging the serratus anterior and upper chest, making it ideal for shoulder development.
ShouldersAnterior DeltoidBeginnerIntermediateDumbbellsBarbellFocuses on the posterior deltoids and upper back, improving shoulder balance and posture.
ShouldersPosterior DeltoidIntermediateDumbbellsCable MachineCombines a shoulder press with rotation, targeting all parts of the deltoids comprehensively.
ShouldersAnterior Deltoid, Medial Deltoid, Posterior DeltoidIntermediateDumbbellsTargets the deltoids and trapezius muscles, enhancing shoulder and upper back strength.
ShouldersMedial Deltoid, TrapeziusIntermediateBarbellDumbbellsPrimarily targets the trapezius muscles, with benefits for the upper back and posture.
ShouldersTrapeziusBeginnerIntermediateDumbbellsBarbellTargets the posterior deltoids and the muscles of the upper back, emphasizing shoulder health and posture.
ShouldersPosterior Deltoid, TrapeziusIntermediateCable MachineSeated lateral raises help isolate the lateral deltoids, enhancing shoulder width and definition.
ShouldersLateral DeltoidBeginnerDumbbellsRear lateral raises are ideal for isolating the posterior deltoids, improving shoulder stability, and enhancing posture.
ShouldersPosterior DeltoidBeginnerDumbbells