Strength Exercises 65
The bench press is a compound exercise that strengthens the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It builds upper body strength, enhances muscle mass, and improves pressing power.
Upper bodypectoralis major, triceps, deltoidsIntermediateBarbellBenchThis exercise isolates the upper chest, shoulders, and triceps, making it ideal for developing strength and muscle mass in the upper body.
Chestupper pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, triceps brachiiIntermediateDumbbellsIncline BenchThis exercise strengthens the shoulders and triceps by pressing dumbbells overhead in a stable, seated position. Ideal for improving upper body strength and stability.
Shouldersdeltoids, triceps brachiiIntermediateDumbbellsBenchPush-ups are a versatile bodyweight exercise that builds strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps while improving core stability. Ideal for beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts alike.
Chestpectoralis major, shoulders, tricepsBeginnerBodyweightIncline barbell rows focus on the traps, rhomboids, and rear delts, helping to build strength and size in the upper back. This variation offers greater isolation and range of motion.
Backtrapezius, rhomboids, rear deltoidsIntermediateBarbellIncline BenchThe incline bench press targets the upper chest, shoulders, and triceps, enhancing strength and muscle development in the upper body. Perfect for a fuller chest appearance and increased pushing power.
Chestpectoralis major (upper), anterior deltoids, triceps brachiiIntermediateBarbellIncline BenchDips are a compound exercise that emphasizes the lower chest and triceps, improving strength and hypertrophy in the upper body.
ChestPectoralis Major (Lower)IntermediateParallel BarsThe decline bench press is a compound exercise that emphasizes the lower chest, improving strength and size in the pectoral muscles.
ChestPectoralis Major (Lower)IntermediateBarbellDecline BenchThe close-grip bench press is a compound exercise that focuses on the triceps and chest, ideal for building upper body strength and muscle mass.
Triceps Brachii, Pectoralis MajorIntermediateBarbellBenchThe deadlift is a full-body compound exercise that strengthens the back, glutes, and hamstrings, making it a cornerstone of strength training.
Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus, Erector SpinaeIntermediateAdvancedBarbellThe Romanian deadlift is a compound exercise targeting the hamstrings and glutes, ideal for building lower body strength and improving flexibility.
Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus, Erector SpinaeIntermediateBarbellThe barbell curl is a classic isolation exercise for building biceps strength and size.
Upper armBiceps, Biceps brachiiBeginnerBarbellSkull crushers are perfect for building triceps size and strength, especially the long head.
Upper armTriceps BrachiiIntermediateBarbellEZ BarDumbbellsThe overhead tricep extension is an excellent isolation exercise for targeting the triceps, helping build strength and muscle definition.
Upper armTriceps brachiiBeginnerIntermediateDumbbellsStanding hammer curls are an effective way to build arm strength and size by engaging both the biceps and the brachioradialis.
ArmsBiceps, Biceps brachii, BrachioradialisBeginnerIntermediateDumbbellsGrip strengtheners are excellent for building hand and forearm strength, improving grip endurance, and aiding in various sports and strength activities.
Lower armFlexor Digitorum Profundus, Flexor Digitorum SuperficialisBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedGrip StrengthenerThe farmer's walk is a simple yet effective exercise for enhancing grip strength, building forearm muscles, and improving overall endurance.
Lower armForearm Flexors, Forearm ExtensorsBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedDumbbellsKettlebellsBarbellsZottman curls are an effective exercise for building arm strength and size by combining traditional and reverse curls into one powerful movement.
Biceps, Biceps brachii, Brachioradialis, Flexor Carpi RadialisIntermediateDumbbellsReverse curls are a great way to build forearm strength, improve grip, and enhance the brachioradialis muscle.
Lower armBrachioradialisBeginnerIntermediateBarbellDumbbellsReverse Grip Barbell Bicep Curls
Reverse grip barbell bicep curls are ideal for building forearm strength, improving grip, and enhancing the brachialis muscle.
ArmsBrachialis, Forearm ExtensorsIntermediateBarbellThe standard pull-up is a powerful compound exercise for building upper-body strength and improving endurance, focusing on the lats, biceps, and forearms.
Upper bodyLatissimus Dorsi, Biceps BrachiiIntermediateBodyweightPull-up barPull-ups are one of the best compound exercises for building upper-body strength and muscle mass, targeting the lats, biceps, and shoulders.
Upper bodyLatissimus Dorsi, Biceps, Biceps brachii, ShouldersIntermediateAdvancedBodyweightPull-up barChin-ups are a great compound exercise for building upper-body strength, focusing on the biceps and latissimus dorsi.
Upper bodyBiceps, Biceps brachii, Latissimus dorsiIntermediatePull-up barWide-grip pull-ups are great for increasing upper-body strength and width by placing greater emphasis on the latissimus dorsi.
Upper bodyLatissimus DorsiIntermediateAdvancedPull-up barNeutral-grip pull-ups are a great compound exercise for building upper-body strength while reducing strain on the shoulders.
Upper bodyLatissimus Dorsi, Biceps BrachiiIntermediatePull-up Bar with Neutral GripsCommando pull-ups are an advanced compound exercise that targets the lats and core while adding a rotational challenge.
Upper bodyLatissimus Dorsi, CoreAdvancedPull-up barA fundamental exercise for building shoulder strength and size, also engaging the triceps.
Upper bodyDeltoidsIntermediateDumbbellsBarbellCombines a shoulder press with rotation, targeting all parts of the deltoids comprehensively.
ShouldersAnterior Deltoid, Medial Deltoid, Posterior DeltoidIntermediateDumbbellsTargets the deltoids and trapezius muscles, enhancing shoulder and upper back strength.
ShouldersMedial Deltoid, TrapeziusIntermediateBarbellDumbbellsPrimarily targets the trapezius muscles, with benefits for the upper back and posture.
ShouldersTrapeziusBeginnerIntermediateDumbbellsBarbellFocuses on the trapezius muscles by elevating the shoulders, improving upper back strength and posture.
TrapeziusBeginnerIntermediateBarbellA bodyweight staple for building strong triceps and upper body.
Upper armTriceps brachiiIntermediateBodyweightDip BarsA great isolation exercise for strengthening and defining the triceps using a cable machine.
ArmsTriceps BrachiiBeginnerIntermediateCable MachineRopeBar AttachmentA classic isolation exercise for triceps that helps build arm strength and definition.
Upper armTriceps brachiiBeginnerCable MachineA classic isometric core exercise that builds endurance and strengthens the entire abdominal region.
Abdominals, Rectus Abdominis, Obliques, Transverse AbdominisBeginnerNo equipmentAn advanced core exercise that targets the lower abdominals and improves core strength and control.
Rectus Abdominis, Hip FlexorsIntermediateAdvancedPull-up barHanging Knee Raises with Twist
An advanced exercise for strengthening the lower abs and obliques, enhancing core stability and rotational power.
Obliques, Rectus AbdominisIntermediateAdvancedPull-up barAn excellent isometric exercise for building core endurance, targeting the obliques and improving side-to-side stability.
Obliques, Rectus Abdominis, Transverse AbdominisBeginnerIntermediateBodyweightMatAn excellent isolation exercise to strengthen and grow the calf muscles, improving ankle stability and overall leg strength.
Lower legGastrocnemius, SoleusBeginnerBodyweightDumbbellsCalf Raise MachineA highly effective exercise for isolating and strengthening the calf muscles using the leg press machine.
Lower legGastrocnemius, SoleusIntermediateLeg Press MachineA great unilateral exercise to improve calf strength, balance, and muscle symmetry.
Lower legGastrocnemius, SoleusIntermediateBodyweightDumbbellsA great exercise for building calf strength and size using a barbell for added resistance.
Lower legGastrocnemiusIntermediateBarbellA high-intensity plyometric exercise designed to develop explosive power in the lower body.
Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Quadriceps, HamstringsAdvancedDumbbellsA staple compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in the lower body, promoting overall strength and hypertrophy.
Quadriceps, Glutes, HamstringsBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedBarbellDumbbellsBodyweightA versatile compound exercise ideal for targeting the major muscle groups in the lower body with reduced stress on the lower back.
Quadriceps, Glutes, HamstringsBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedLeg Press MachineA versatile compound exercise that strengthens the quads, hamstrings, and glutes while improving stability and coordination.
Upper legQuadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteus MaximusBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedBodyweightDumbbellsBarbellA highly effective exercise for building back strength and size, focusing on the lats, rhomboids, and traps.
BackLatissimus Dorsi, Rhomboids, TrapeziusIntermediateBarbellDumbbellsA great exercise for isolating the lower abs and improving core strength.
Rectus Abdominis (lower part)BeginnerIntermediateMatA great core exercise for building strength and definition in the rectus abdominis.
Rectus AbdominisBeginnerIntermediateCable MachineRope AttachmentAn essential exercise for developing back strength and thickness, targeting the middle and upper back.
BackLatissimus Dorsi, Rhomboids, TrapeziusIntermediateT-Bar MachineBarbellIsolates one side of the back at a time, focusing on the lats and increasing unilateral strength.
BackLatissimus DorsiBeginnerIntermediateDumbbellBenchAlso known as hyperextension, this exercise strengthens the lower back muscles, particularly the erector spinae, using a hyperextension bench.
BackErector SpinaeBeginnerIntermediateHyperextension BenchLeg curls are great for isolating your hamstrings, helping with strength, stability, and aesthetics in the back of your legs.
LegsHamstringsBeginnerIntermediateLeg curl machineA simple and effective exercise for strengthening glutes and hamstrings, improving hip mobility and stability.
Upper legGluteus Maximus, HamstringsBeginnerBodyweightBarbellA great exercise for unilateral leg strength, improving balance and working the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
Upper legQuadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteus MaximusIntermediateBodyweightDumbbellsA front-loaded squat that focuses on building quads, glutes, and core strength, while also improving posture.
Lower bodyQuadriceps, Glutes, CoreIntermediateBarbellGood mornings are excellent for strengthening the posterior chain, improving flexibility, and building core stability.
Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus, Erector SpinaeIntermediateBarbellStalled squats are excellent for building muscle endurance and strength in the quadriceps and glutes.
Lower bodyQuadriceps, GlutesIntermediateBodyweightSkater squats are excellent for improving unilateral strength, balance, and coordination.
Lower bodyQuadriceps, GlutesIntermediateBodyweightWall sits are great for building endurance and strengthening the quadriceps without requiring any equipment.
Lower bodyQuadricepsBeginnerBodyweightHollow holds are great for building core strength and enhancing overall stability.
AbdominalsIntermediateBodyweightHalos are excellent for enhancing shoulder mobility and building upper body strength.
Upper bodyDeltoids, Triceps, Upper BackIntermediateKettlebellsStep-out lunges help to strengthen the glutes and thighs, while enhancing lower body flexibility.
Lower bodyGlutes, QuadricepsIntermediateBodyweightStep-back lunges are great for targeting the quadriceps and glutes while improving balance and lower body strength.
Lower bodyQuadriceps, Glutes, HamstringsBeginnerBodyweightStep-forward lunges are perfect for strengthening and toning the glutes and quads.
Lower bodyQuadriceps, GlutesBeginnerBodyweight